
I'm baaacck! And I'm an addict.

Happy Monday!  It's good to be back in the blog community.  I missed my blog friends and it appears I have a lot of catching up to do. 

Last week was a busy, hard week for me and I discovered something about myself.  Well maybe I always knew this particular thing but I hadn't given it much thought before.
The whole time I was studying (painfully I might add), in between the building codes, I mostly thought about how lovely it was going to be when it was over and I could just relax and laze and enjoy a day or two without any agendas.  But who is fooling who here?!  I don't know what to do with myself if I don't have a list to attend to.  I'm starting to realize a little begrudgingly that I thrive a bit on "busy".  I've figured out that I'm a restless, anxious mess when I don't have a slew of projects and tasks on my plate.  It's an unfortunate truth really.  BUT, like everything, it's about balance.  And just having to focus solely on work and side projects without the addition of studying is a relief.  More importantly, I have learned that if I could squeeze in 6+ hours a day to study when it was my priority then I can allot the same for my family and personal goals which is/should be my constant and most important "task". 

{Image by John Horton}


Suzanne Anas Jurich said...

Yay!! Glad you are officially back!!

I have found I am happier when I am busy too! ...and I love lists! :)

julia wheeler said...

i totally agree with you! i always think i want some nice peace and quiet to just mellow out... but i get too restless and bored and immediately find about 50 things i need to do instead of mellow:) glad you're back!

torrie said...


I discovered that as well, when I kept hearing myself tell my husband, "When we finish this, then we'll be able to relax." I started realizing that there was/is always a new "thing to finish." I just did a post about balance as well- Like you said, squeezing in time for what really matters is the KEY.

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